Website Development|尚至兒科Virtus Children 818

網頁設計|網站開發|尚至兒科Virtus Children 818

Case overview


尚至兒科Virtus Children 818


April 2022

尚至兒科Virtus Children 818

Provides the highest quality interspecialty treatment and care in childhood illness and health.

Responsive design

The responsive design of the website makes it easy to browse the website on different sizes of computers, tablets and mobile phones.

網頁設計|網站開發|尚至兒科Virtus Children 818

Customized professional doctor information interface​

Clear classification and introduction of doctors’ professional backgrounds to facilitate finding and making appointments with the doctors you need

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Customized design service content page

According to the pediatric medical services provided by Children 818, they are displayed in categories to facilitate patients to understand the service content and medical information.

Website Development|尚至兒科Virtus Children 818

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Multilingual page options

Customization provides different language options to fully support customers in different languages

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Take your ideas and goals with you

We'll guide you from a vague outline to a clear and complete approach to the desired outcome.