Online eShop| Website Development|玉壺堂

網頁設計|網店 eShop| 網站開發|玉壺堂

Case overview




Jan 2023


With the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine as the core, combined with modern medical knowledge and pharmaceutical technology, we promote correct disease prevention and treatment knowledge and health care products to the public, and experience the happiness of health from the inside out in daily life.

Responsive design​

The responsive design of the website makes it easy to browse the website on different sizes of computers, tablets and mobile phones.

網頁設計|網店 eShop| 網站開發|玉壺堂

Customized product professional image information interface

Clearly classify and introduce the pharmaceutical background of the product, the classification of medicinal materials and the background of doctors to enhance the professional image of the product.

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Online questionnaire system

Through questionnaires, we understand customer needs and automatically provide considerate products. Multiple questions and multiple default answers can be set

Online eShop| Website Development|玉壺堂

2023 01 04 下午5.34.17

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