Mobile App Development|3 TO 80 Employee management and frontline business operations APP

手機應用程式開發|3 TO 80 員工管理及前線業務運作APP
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3 TO 80 3 TO 80 Employee management and frontline business operations App

Intelligent, efficient and centralized management of internal personnel affairs

Multifunctional home page
  • Clear layout, quick access to the functions you need
Employee sign-in and attendance records
  • Employee can check in when you go to the office or when you go out to meet guests, and you can better understand the working location of frontline employees.
Leave application
  • Electronically record employee leave applications to facilitate calculation and management of employee holiday benefits
Commuting Fee Application
  • Simplify the process of applying for fares and save labor costs and records
Sales data
  • Frontline sales staff have a clearer understanding of order records and performance.
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  • 多款功能更方便計算員工薪金/佣金,扣假,通勤費,出勤記錄⋯⋯等等,一鍵即出全面報表

Mobile App Development|3 TO 80 Employee management and frontline business operations APP

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