Website Development|BCT 銀聯集團


Case overview


BCT 銀聯集團


Dec 2015

BCT 銀聯集團

Based on a corporate culture of integrity and professionalism, we strive to achieve outstanding results. We go the extra mile for our members, listen to their needs, and provide customers with unparalleled services through our powerful electronic platform and experienced and dedicated staff.

BCT has become a major supplier of MPF products and one of the largest trust companies in Hong Kong, focusing on providing pension (including MPF and occupational retirement schemes) products and fund administration solutions.

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Responsive design

The responsive design of the website makes it easy to browse the website on different sizes of computers, tablets and mobile phones.

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Chart display engine

Clear chart display can clearly show multiple comparison data.

BCT 銀聯集團|Website Development

FireShot Capture 2 基金比較 BCT銀聯集團 https www.bcthk .com zh mpf orso f

Enterprise CMS

2018 03 09 下午2.52.18

Integrate existing data/API

2018 03 09 下午2.48.29