Mobile App Development|DBS Bank Hong Kong 識揀惜食Foodie大召集 AR

手機應用程式開發|DBS Bank Hong Kong 識揀惜食Foodie大召集 擴增實境

Case overview

DBS Bank Hong Kong

Feb 2023


DBS Bank Hong Kong held the AR Filter prize-winning game New Year Ring themed IG event with the theme of "識揀惜食Foodie大召集".

Use the selfie camera to record the game. Move your head to “eat” the most food within the time limit of 10 seconds to get the highest score. Different foods have different score levels.

Tectom combines the AR systems of Facebook and IG to create interactive games with customers, effectively promoting the positive image of the company and keeping up with current trends.

Mobile App Development|DBS Bank Hong Kong 識揀惜食Foodie大召集 AR


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