Website Development| Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition


Case overview


Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong


January 2024

Heat Stress at Work Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition 

The Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition aims to encourage travel agents to design in-depth themed itineraries and tourism products that are unique and high-quality, so as to attract visitors to explore the unique charm of Hong Kong and its cultural diversity where East meets West, and to experience the city as never before; thereby enhancing the competitiveness and sustainable development of the Hong Kong travel industry.

Online Voting

All the thirty (30) Signature Itineraries will participate in the online poll for public voting. The two (2) Signature Itineraries from each theme with the highest number of votes will enter Phase 2, there will be a total of twelve (12) Signature Itineraries.

2024 02 19 上午11.09.10

Responsive Design

The responsive design of the website makes it easy to browse the website on different sizes of computers, tablets and mobile phones.

Website Development| Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition


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