Website Development|DSE 聯招計分神器

網頁設計|網站開發|DSE 聯招計分神器

Case overview


Yahoo Hong Kong


July 2018


每間大學計分方法、收生準則各有不同,睇資料都睇到花多眼亂。聯招計分神器收集各個課程嘅計分方法同收生分數,羅列近年收生分數嘅Upper Quartile、Median同Lower Quartile,只需要輸入你的文憑試成績,神器就會幫你比對分數,評估入學機會﹗

Filter function to help you quickly get the results you want

yahoo des 1

Filter function to help you quickly get the results you want

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Compare past statistics

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Responsive website design

Responsive website design can suit all users and can be viewed and used on different devices.

Preview website

Users can share the latest DSE admission information via mobile phones/computers.

Website Development|DSE 聯招計分神器

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