Website Development|Hong Kong Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong


Case overview




Mar 2023

Hong Kong Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong

Lo Pan Temple is located at 15 Ching Lin Terrace, Sai Wan, Hong Kong. It is the only temple in Hong Kong dedicated to Lo Pan, and is now classified as a Grade I historical building by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Responsive design

The responsive design of the website makes it easy to browse the website on different sizes of computers, tablets and mobile phones.


Customized information interface and online registration for Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong activities

Clearly categorize and introduce the historical background of Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong, representative annual events can also be submitted through the website online registration form.

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Customized development of online donation system

According to the charitable activities provided by Hong Kong Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong, we provide customized/customized donation amount, and at the same time, we connect to the online cash flow service, so that donors can make online donations instantly.

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Membership Management System

You can register as a member online and pay the membership fee online every year, automatic Email reminder of membership expiration, more efficient management of membership information, saving manpower verification.

Website Development|Hong Kong Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong

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