Online eShop | Website Development|Khaho Store Co.

Online eShop | Website Development|Khaho Store Co.

Case overview Client Khaho Store Co. Date May 2024 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website Khaho Store Co. Khaho Store Co. was established in 2016 and quickly emerged as a leading local retailer of railway models, offering a variety of Japanese, Chinese, and European railway models. Dedicated to fostering a community for railway model…

Website Development| Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition

Case overview Client Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong Date January 2024 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website Online Voting Heat Stress at Work Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition  The Deeper into Hong Kong: Creative Itinerary Design Competition aims to encourage travel agents to design in-depth themed itineraries and tourism products that are unique…

Website Development|Heat Stress at Work Warning

Case overview Client HK Labour Department Date September 2023 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website Rest Time Calculator Heat Stress at Work Warning The Heat Stress at Work Warning is developed and issued by the Labour Department, with the assistance of the Hong Kong Observatory in producing and transmiƫng the message. Heat Stress at…


Website Maintainance|

Case overview Client The V Date July 2023 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website Grana is a newly funded fashion internet start-up based and operated from Hong Kong. Our mission is to provide the highest quality clothes at the lowest possible price and have as much fun as we possibly can while doing it.…


Website Development|Health Q100

Case overview Client Health100健康研究所 Date June 2023 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website Health100健康研究所 《Health100》Health Research Institute” is a platform that gathers new medical knowledge and healthy living information, providing health information in various specialties for people who are concerned about health. From common urban diseases to rarer diseases, professional medical staff including specialists,…

Website maintenance|Grana

Case overview Client GRANA   Date June 2023 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website Grana is a newly funded fashion internet start-up based and operated from Hong Kong. Our mission is to provide the highest quality clothes at the lowest possible price and have as much fun as we possibly can while doing it.…


Mobile App Development|E-STI香港懲教處學員訓練智能系統

Case overview Client E-STI香港懲教處學員訓練智能系統 Date Oct 2022 Service Offerings UX/UI design Develop mobile applications (Android, iPhone apps) Server architecture React Native Web CMS Instantly record test scores Chat room Push Notification Service Test scores report Multi-language E-STI香港懲教處學員訓練智能系統手機應用程式 Intelligent, efficient and centralized management of the internal training and scoring results of Correctional Services Department trainees Multifunctional…

網頁設計|網店 eShop|網站開發|VIRTUS 尚至醫療網店

Online eShop|Website Development|VIRTUS Medical eShop

Case overview Client VIRTUS Medical eShop Date Jan 2023 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website VIRTUS eShop Virtus Medical have a team of specialists and healthcare professionals from various disciplines, covering the four major areas of healthcare and prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, to take care of all the medical needs of our patients. Responsive…

網頁設計|網店 eShop| 網站開發|玉壺堂

Online eShop| Website Development|玉壺堂

Case overview Client 玉壺堂 Date Jan 2023 Service Offerings Design and develop responsive website 玉壺堂 With the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine as the core, combined with modern medical knowledge and pharmaceutical technology, we promote correct disease prevention and treatment knowledge and health care products to the public, and experience the happiness of health from…