Mobile App Development|E-STI香港懲教處學員訓練智能系統

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Intelligent, efficient and centralized management of the internal training and scoring results of Correctional Services Department trainees

Multifunctional page
  • Clear layout, quick access to the functions
Instructor Scoring Interface(iPad)
  • Intelligently record the different test scores of each class/student, and automatically calculate the student success rate
Message push notification
  • Instantly publish and push the latest news within the institution, and process internal notifications electronically
Group chat room function
  • Choose internal instructors/students to create group chat rooms
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Backend management system​

Centrally manage student examination records and scores
  • Multiple functions make it easier to calculate test scores for each category, and a comprehensive assessment score report can be generated with just one click.
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E-STI香港懲教處學員訓練智能系統|Mobile App Development

Take your ideas and goals with you

We'll guide you from a vague outline to a clear and complete approach to the desired outcome.